Eagle Scout Tackles Hunger, Trivia on Random Things


Honors student and freshman Samuel Blankenship's Eagle Scout project was “Unpack Hunger,一个食物收集和分配项目. “一旦隔离开始,它就变成了送货 packs to the school 心理咨询师,这样孩子们就能继续得到. 我们能在10周内完成25组训练,” he said.  data-lightbox =“特色”
Honors student and freshman Samuel Blankenship's Eagle Scout project was “Unpack Hunger,” 食物收集和分配计划. “一旦隔离开始,它就变成了送货 packs to the school 心理咨询师,这样孩子们就能继续得到. 我们能做的 10周25包,”他说.

#FreshmanFocus is a series focused on incoming freshmen at the University of 南 阿拉巴马州.

At Demopolis High School, Samuel Blankenship chose a career track in healthcare, which 让他对药学产生了兴趣.

“When my mother was going through cancer treatments, she was having trouble with her prescriptions, so I got a lot of home experience on the customer side of it,” he said. “During my junior year, I got to shadow a local pharmacist. 大四的时候, my teacher helped me 和一个nother student work online to get our certification as pharmacy 拆弹专家.”

十大玩彩信誉平台,18岁的布兰肯希普是该组织的成员 荣誉学院 和一个 生物医学专业. He wants to get established academically before becoming active in student organizations. 高中时,他参加了好几个俱乐部. 他还回答了课堂上的小测验问题 阿拉巴马学者联谊会.

“I wasn’t the best member of the team, but we all had our roles,” he said. “我是 历史,体育和其他的东西. 有一个十大玩彩信誉平台海绵宝宝的问题 角色,我猜对了.”

Blankenship got a late start in the Boy Scouts of America, but still managed to earn 21 merit badges and become an Eagle Scout, the highest honor in the organization.

His final project was “Unpack Hunger,一个食物收集和分配项目 有需要的学生. His plan wound up coinciding with the beginning of the coronavirus 流感大流行.

“我们必须尽快开始,”他说. “我一直在计划一个送餐项目 to the school, but once quarantine hit, it turned into delivering packs to the school 心理咨询师,这样孩子们就能继续得到. 我们能在10周内完成25组训练.”



“我喜欢所有宿舍的位置. 这是一种放松. 我走过这个小 在我去食堂的路上.”

所以你住在校园里. 你搬进来用了多少个箱子?

“可能是6到10盒. 我们带来的大部分东西都太大了,装不进盒子. 在那里 were some pictures, a TV 和一个 computer, things like that. 我们还带了一只手 卡车,这样就简单多了.”


“When a single room opened up in my hall, I went and took it. 我想,第一,它会 在大流行期间要更安全. And two, during my first semester, my first year, it would be good to start getting my bearings at school and everything.”


“我的化学课很有趣. 我的化学老师,博士. 但是,很漂亮 有趣的. I expected him to be really strict, but we spent a lot of time the first week 了解每个人. 听他的故事很好笑.”

在流感大流行期间上大学是什么感觉? 这感觉像是新常态吗?

“I don’t like to consider any of this the new 正常的. 它更像是一个阶段. 最终, 一切都会结束的. I like knowing that eventually things will go back to the actual 正常的.”


“它比其他一些学校离家更近. 在我大三的时候,我参加了一次旅游. I thought it was a nice, medium-sized university, not big enough to make you feel like you’re in an auditorium with a thousand other students. 我申请了提前录取 in the pharmacy program, and I was accepted, so after that I was pretty much locked in.”

Where do you see yourself five years after graduation?

“By then, I hope to have decided pharmacy is for me, 和一个lready be working somewhere -或者在法医部门工作. 我辅修的是 法医科学.”


“我不这么认为. The thing about a hidden talent is that it’s hidden, right?”




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